1) You can use the Youtube API to get the thumbnails https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/ Sample code can be found and downloaded from here. https://code.google.com/archive/p/youtube-api-samples/downloads 2) Or - the easy way, to link with the default generated Youtube images on Google server. You can call it directly always. eg: http://img.youtube.com/vi/<youtube-video-id>/default.jpg and http://img.youtube.com/vi/<youtube-video-id>/0.jpg – These are full size thumb images http://img.youtube.com/vi/<youtube-video-id>/mqdefault.jpg – – This is medium default image http://img.youtube.com/vi/<youtube-video-id>/maxresdefault.jpg – – This is high resolution image http://img.youtube.com/vi/<youtube-video-id>/1.jpg – small thumb http://img.youtube.com/vi/<youtube-video-id>/2.jpg – small thumb http://img.youtube.com/vi/<youtube-video-id>/3.jpg – These are small thumb images